- On waking focus on your breath for 10 breaths before getting out of bed.
- Choose 3 tasks of your choice to do ‘mindfully’ each day: washing the dishes, drinking tea, taking a shower etc. Use your senses, what can you see, feel and hear while doing the tasks?
- Eat one meal per day mindfully: be present and eat slowly savouring the taste and the smell of the food putting your utensils down regularly while eating and chewing the food thoroughly.
- Use the breath as an anchor to come back to if dwelling on the past or worrying about the future
- Mindful movement: while walking focus on the sensations of touch and pressure through your feet. being aware as one foot leaves the ground and the other foot is planted on the ground.
- If feeling stressed: seek refuge in the breath and body from the thoughts in your head. Focus on the breath moving in and out of the body, and the sensations of touch and pressure your body makes with the chair, ground etc.
- Meditate daily: even a short mediation of 10 mins can support us to feel calmer and more relaxed! Aim for 20 mins if possible as it takes between 4-10mins for parasympathetic (rest and digest) system to become activated.
- If suffering from insomnia, be accepting of the fact that you are awake. Use the body and the breath again as an anchor to focus on to give you respite from the troublesome thoughts that often prevent us from getting to sleep or back to sleep after waking.
- When going to bed focus on your breath for 10 breaths to prepare your body for sleeping.
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John LingleyI am passionate about supporting people to live happier, healthier and less stressful lives through Mindfulness and meditation practises. Categories |